Çanakkale Biennial at the 1st General Assembly of IBA

Çanakkale Biennial at the 1st General Assembly of IBA
10/07/2014    |    News

Çanakkale Biennial at the 1st General Assembly of IBA

The 1st General Assembly and Conference of the International Biennial Association (IBA) was held on 10-13 July 2014 in Berlin. Çanakkale Biennial, one of the first members of the Union, also attended this General Assembly. This first General Assembly of the IBA, which brings together more than 200 biennials and multi-year events from the world, and the international conference entitled "Why Biennial, Why Organize?" was hosted by the 8th Berlin Biennial.

The IBA is a platform for establishing, researching and exchanging knowledge and information necessary for institutions and professionals, who plan and curate periodic art events such as biennials and triennials, artists, researchers and others concerned with contemporary art.

The IBA is a centre for producing multidisciplinary discourse that embodies the productive and discursive voices of the global biennial community. It develops a range of diverse programs to support rights and promote mutual understanding between institutions and their individual members, who play pivotal roles in both its practice and discourse.