Biennial Child

Biennial Child, as one of the components of International Canakkale Biennial, has been held at the centre since the beginning. On the assumption that International Canakkale Biennials are creating a significant opportunity for the children to meet and interact with contemporary art and images, children at certain age groups aimed to visit the biennial exhibitions to perform creative work on the works of art in the exhibitions in every biennial. The form aesthetic-material, as well as the concept- the wealth of content of contemporary art, feed children’s creativity, enrich their perception of the world, and make them encounter the learning -detection-creation process except the current education system and beyond.

The productions of children, who made effective contact with contemporary artworks during the process, exhibited within the scope of International Çanakkale Biennial in 2010 for the first time, with the demand of children and by name of “My Friend Biennial” which was entitled also by children. This exhibition transformed into the International Canakkale Children’s Biennial which is sustained by Mavitay Children’s Home for Culture and DADA initiative and thus a constitution developed which holds the creativity of the children at its centre and with international participation and cooperation makes the productions of children visible.

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