Agnes-Meyer Brandis

Agnes-Meyer Brandis was born in 1973 in Aachen, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin.

The Teacup Tools are an array of cybernetic teacups, adapting themselves to the realm of climate
related sciences. The work appears as a multifunctional tool for the investigation of tiny micro clouds
above tea, for communication and for tea drinking.

The tea and its clouds are made from anything falling from the sky: Aerosols, litter, rain and mass data
computation. It is literally boiled by the calculations of the massive amount of collected data.

The sculptures have a nomadic quality. Like parasites they can be found next to aerosol* measurement
stations, in parks, on streets, on rooftops or in the neighbourhood of research laboratories. The
Teacup Tools call attention to the investigation of the invisible and borderless air and its aerosols* - tiny
particles of organic and anorganic matter, with a major impact on cloud formation, crucial to weather
and climate.

* Aerosol =”solution in air” (ancient Greek “a-er” = “air”; Latin “solutus” = “dissolved”).