Ayşe Erkmen

Ayşe was born in 1949 in Istanbul. Lives and works in Berlin.

“30 pieces of look-alike cannonballs that have been produced by a master following the traditions with the traditional
Çanakkale ceramics technique* and clay, have been painted in typical colors in accordance with the drain casting
method, which is one of the prime methods of this technique. The specialty of Çanakkale ceramics, is that they are
produced for the daily use of the public. However what renders them significant and precious, and furthermore causes
them to be included in very important collections, is the thin line they draw between functionality and non-functionality.”
Ayşe Erkmen, approaching this specialty of them, that in a sense is identical with art, carries them to the
non-functionality side of the line.
*Handmade by Ismail Bütün, who is faithful to the traditional technics and the last alive master of Çanakkale Ceramics.