Exhibition: "Women and Migration" Art Workshops with Youth

14/06/2014    |    Events    |    Exhibition

Exhibition: "Women and Migration" Art Workshops with Youth

Women and Migration Project
The exhibition on the outcomes of the Art Workshops carried out with Çanakkale Youth

Participants: Bahriye İleri, Cem Katı, Didem Küçük, Erdal Sezer, Fatih İlhan, Gizem Alnıak, Hatip Memiş, Helin Sude Boztepe, Murat Demirtop, Nazlı Şakar, Onur Tekin, Sezen Düzakar, Sinem Simge Kılınç, Yusuf Berk Akpınar, Zerrin Somuncu
Workshop Moderator Artists: Joëlle Cattino, Michel Bellier, Sedef Ecer, Seyhan Boztepe, Şahine Hatipoğlu
Coordinators: Deniz Erbaş, Didem Gürdoğan, Tuğba Elmacı
Consultants: İsmail Erten, Marie Poinsot

Project Partners:
Dynamo Theatre, Marseille / France
Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels / Belgium
Troya Genç Çevre Derneği, Troya Kültür Derneği, Çanakkale Municipality / Turkey
Clopot Foundation, Suceava / Romania