Ersan Deveci

Ersan Deveci was born in 1969 in Denizli. Lives and works in Izmir.

Ersan Deveci, taking as the subjects of his works, guns and military systems, underlines up to what extent
militarism and popular culture are mingled with each other. The artist, putting forward this intermingling not
only with the content of his paintings but also with the materials he uses, reveals the “commodification through
rationalization” of these two concepts that nurture each other. While dealing with fetishizing strategies that
employ channels such as television, computer games or advertisements, and militarist objects communized for
the masses, he is “painting” all these, following those methods used in the representation of durable consumer
products frequently objectified, polished and idealized. In Deveci’s paintings we experience, how advertising
aesthetics that attempt to present an object covered in dust and dirt, blood and death, as if shiny, smooth and
appealing, perfectly work in terms of perception management.