Mircea Cantor

Born in Oradea, Romania in 1977. Lives and works in Romania.

Shortcuts (2004)
Cantor is an artist who pursues the seemingly absurd or "unnecessary", where an unlimited subjectivity finds expression; Shortcuts (2004) is a series of photographs of shortcuts, which can also be considered boring, created by passers-by to shorten signposted or designated roads. This interest of the artist can also be understood as advocating a "healthy bifurcation".

Adjective to Your Presence (2018)
“Adjective to Your Presence” was filmed in Tokyo and people in the march hold transparent placards. Although generally video work is projected in the dark room, he stuck to the transparency of the glass blocks and used gray films, which do not completely shut the sunlight. The transparent claim on the placard represents the march of many people holding the same thing already has a message even without shouting a slogan. Transparency stimulates each person to understand what he or she wants to say. What is important when you talk about a person is not who he/she is, but how the person is. That’s why adjective is the key.