Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt

Özlem Günyol was born in 1977, Mustafa Kunt was born in 1978 in Ankara. Özlem Günyol and Mustafa Kunt have been producing together since 2005. They live and work in Frankfurt.

Free Solo is a climbing wall consisting of several monumental sculptures in Frankfurt, Istanbul and Çanakkale and 1:1 replicas of their pedestals.

Our physical relationship with monumental sculptures in public space is usually established by looking from the bottom up. Monuments dominate their surroundings by virtue of their size, their pedestals or their placement. On exuberant occasions when large numbers of people gather, such as celebrations or protests, this dominant position is shared with the people surrounding them. The desire to climb the monument in the square is also a desire to rise above the physical power the monument has in that space.

The re-presentation of monuments as climbing walls playfully reconstructs the physical relationship between self and environment.

With the support of Kulturakademie Tarabya & Dirimart.