Reha Erdem

Reha was born in 1960 in Istanbul. Lives and works in Istanbul.

Jîn around the age 17, is quasi ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, pushing the boundaries and trying to get through the dark
woods on her way, in order to participate in life. The film, begins with her escape from an organized armed group
in the mountains. Hiding from the members of that organization and the police, she spends lonely days in the
mountains. Her purpose is to reach the big city, life itself or maybe the dreams of a big world she has never seen
or known. With her strong will, she manages to make room for herself within the eerie darkness and wildness of
nature. Finally dressed in civilian clothes she acquires, she leaves the mountains. Yet the plains are much more
dangerous, threatening and hurtful than the mountains. No matter how hard she tries and struggles, she fails to
manage to break the continuously shrinking circle around herself and reach the place she always dreams of. In
great disappointment, she returns to the mountains, to her loneliness. Now her revolt has turned into desperation.
And on this route with no way out, she has nobody except for the trees and animals.