Gülçin Aksoy

Gülçin was born in 1965 in Samsun. Lives and works in Istanbul.

Gülçin Aksoy, in her installation titled Road to Salvation, photographs historical monuments instrumentalised by
the state in order to create, keep alive and persistently reproduce a common memory, with her own perspective
and within this fiction she incorporates the woman identity. The official history’s fiction is strengthened by the
state mechanism through monuments; in this particular case monumentalisation coming together with wax,
reinforces its sense of hollowness. Wax does not possess the durability or immunity of materials such as stone
or marble used in similar monuments, nor does it revieles the impression of an ‘artwork’. Gülçin Aksoy chases
after the analogy between the fictiveness of history writing and the fakeness of wax. She is adopting in between
these monuments the role of the image of woman shaped by official history and questions her genuineness,
independence, position within this ‘power’ pattern.