Mehmet Erim

Mehmet was born in 1967 in Izmit. Lives and works in Çanakkale.

As an inseparable image of migration suitcases, which are crammed with goods that people can not separate, accompany their journey
towards the future. A suitcase contains things which are needed for travelling, as well as the indispensable ones. While they are going to
the new places which are mostly unknown, they carry objects, scents and memories which are belong to their old lives, their homes, their
homeland in their suitcases.

Mehmet Erim produced series of suitcases on the occasion of the 5. International Çanakkale Biennial; these transparent sculptures of
suitcases which are including objects from his autobiography, evoke a migration or a trip can be forced at any time. Transparency of the
suitcases, which turns the image of the suitcase inside out, tries to make the burden of the journey and separation visible.

As an inseparable image of migration suitcases, which are crammed with goods that people can not separate, accompany their journey
towards the future. A suitcase contains things which are needed for travelling, as well as the indispensable ones. While they are going to
the new places which are mostly unknown, they carry objects, scents and memories which are belong to their old lives, their homes, their
homeland in their suitcases.

Mehmet Erim produced series of suitcases on the occasion of the 5. International Çanakkale Biennial; these transparent sculptures of
suitcases which are including objects from his autobiography, evoke a migration or a trip can be forced at any time. Transparency of the
suitcases, which turns the image of the suitcase inside out, tries to make the burden of the journey and separation visible.