Murat Gök

Murat was born in 1978 in Diyarbakır. Lives and works in Diyarbakır.

Murat Gök, deals in his works with individual -who has been caught up in between oppressive social institutions, and to create
more independent and more peculiar living space for himself with his pragmatist intention, causes a structual and functional
transformation in the system. As if he selects the rightest instrument from his toolbox, he is choosing his appropriate instruments
from his own identity according to the institution’s weaknesses and strengths and bring them forward.

Low Approach, 2009:
The high decibel sounds of the warplanes typically exercising
‘low approach’ in the skies of Diyarbakır, produce a noise
of disturbing magnitude. In the video work of Murat Gök, the
warplane, the most efficacious representative of state authority
is afterwards calculatedly mounted on the footage. Followed
by the eye level of the audience, it continues to cause these
disturbing noises and then slowly fades away. The tension
that constantly rises in direct proportion to the frequency of
the flights of the planes and the noise continuously repeated
in the work, brings to the mind the devastation created on the
psychology of the public.

BERFİN, 2010:
The dragonfly, with its fascinating colors, strong and transparent
wings, is an insect species that can remain up in the air for very
long periods and has a speedy and sudden manoeuvrability
capability. Six-seven years old Berfin who lives near the Dicle
river and is not literate yet, with the mark she has drawn on her
palm, hopes to attract the dragonfly. Murat Gök in his works,
deals with structural and functional transformations undergone
by the individual (caught up in between oppressive social
institutions) with an intention of creating for himself a living
space more of his own and independent. The main character in
Gök’s work, wishes to feel the bug on her palm, at least for a
few seconds feel the joy of ownership.