Architecture, Design and Art in the Centenary of BAUHAUS

01/01/2019 30/06/2019

• A building school founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius in Weimar, which combines architecture school, craft school and academy of fine arts.
• It is a product of both the search for order after the war and chaos, and the need to make sense of the inevitable and total transformation caused by modernity.
• Combines both modern citizenship and the design of new life as well as new production dynamics shifting from craft to industry.
• It is a school based on the principles of avoidance of decoration and simplicity, combining crafts and mass production”.
• It is a training and production move that reflects material, functionality and production to the education program on the basis of reason, creativity, efficiency and benefit and aims to combine high art, industry and craft while doing so.
• An attempt to create a system that will form the aesthetic and scientific doctrine of the “modern movement te between the two world wars.
• Following its closure by the Nazi government in 1933, its most influential teachers emigrated to the United States, England, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
• It is a holistic system that continues to shape our living spaces with the design and production principles that it has created in many areas of life from architecture to writing fonts, furniture to city planning.

In its 100th anniversary, Bauhaus is remembered all over the world for its productions and influences. Mahal Sanat’s architecture, city planning, art and social science experts and academics brought together a series of events that will deal with different aspects of Bauhaus during the April-June period.

In collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, the panel, film screening and exhibition events covering the April-June period were launched. The initiative, which is focused on architecture and design, continues its meetings and productions.